Goal: Collect basic information essential to research and policy-making activities related to the supply of safe fish and seafood products (FSP) in Hawaii.
Plan for Objectives:
- Describe present FSP marketing channels in Hawaii and flows from local, U.S. domestic and foreign sources
- Reveal attitudes and perceptions of Hawaii FSP market participants (importers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers) toward local FSP.
- Assess possible performance of existing marketing channels in light of safety requirements on FSP
Data for the above objectives will be collected from surveys given to segments of market participants with questions regarding:
a) Socioeconomic-demographic characteristics of respondents
b) FSP flow handled by respondent (annual sales & purchases (quantity and value) by species)
c) Perception of respondents toward FSP from Hawaiian waters
d) Food safety considerations
e) Reaction to supply constraints when there are restrictions from outside sources
- Investigate whether Hawaii restaurants (consumers in general) are substituting high quality local FSP for cheaper imports
- Identify factors (with focus on "food-safety") that influence the purchase of local FSP by Hawaii restaurants (consumers in general)
- Examine impacts and implications on purchase patterns of local restaurants (consumers in general) with respect to development of Hawaii fisheries and aquaculture industry
Data for the above objectives will be collected from surveys given to local consumers with questions regarding:
a) Socioeconomic-demographic information (from restaurants: annual sales, location, formality, seating capacity, years in business and cuisine type)
b) Current and planned seafood sales by species and origin (local vs. import)
c) Perception toward local vs. imported FSP (attributes include: price, customer preference, flavor, quality, freshness, nutritional value, supply reliability and most importantly food safety)
- Report of findings regarding the current structure of the FSP marketing channel in Hawaii. Information will address:
- Product flow by species across market segments
- Benefits distribution across market segments
- Overall self-sufficiency for Hawaiian islands.
- Assessment of purchasing decisions of local consumers